What is Critics United and Why Should We Make A Stand?

~"Critics United is a collaborative union of constructive critics whose purpose is to assist the administrators of fanfiction.net with enforcing the site rules and improving the quality of the work posted.

We offer honest, blunt criticism regarding stories and their adherence to the rules. We are not a flame group intent on starting flame wars or arguments with other ff.net members. We will defend the content of our reviews, but do not seek to start wars for the sake of arguing. We are not a bully or vigilante group. We do not target specific writers and will only focus on one of their stories even if they have more than one fic in violation. We are not in the business of hunting trolls. We will report on identified trollfics at our discretion, but nothing more. Trolls will merely open another account if one is removed. It is better to ignore them.
More than one member will leave additional reviews on a story if we feel the writer did not get the message with their first warning. We do not accept excuses such as "Everyone is doing it!" or "This site's motto is to inspire creativity!" or "Rules are made to be broken!" Every person who joins ff.net does so for the privilege of posting their work, it is not a right. Therefore, the established rules and T.O.S. we all agreed to should be respected or appealed through the proper channels.

Some of our members will gladly assist writers who would like help improving their writing. Our purpose is not to see fanfics deleted, but to see the quality improve, which in turn increases the enjoyment of all members of ff.net."~

I'd like to contridict this statement,  by putting this up.
~"As for my critiquing style I am brutal. When I say brutal what I mean to say is that I couldn't care less about your feelings. If there's something wrong with your writing I'll tell you and I won't be nice about it. Why? Because I've got better things to do then coddle you, so suck it up and fix the problem with your writing."~

 I've received several...hurtful reviews (And trust me, it's not because of my writing. See, Read it! The Riddle from someone in Critics United who-(Thank You Fanfiction)-Has had their account terminated. 
In some ways, it's Cyber-bullying. 
They Report stories, and quite frankly, have started their own...purge of fanfiction. Fanfiction is a place for people to indulge in their creativity. 
I urge you to follow, and sign this petition, http://www.change.org/petitions/the-authors-of-fanfiction-net-stop-critics-united-from-cyber-bullying-our-fellow-authors-2
Yet, don't start bashing, or you'll have stooped to their level.
 ~"Hello everyone. Well I just took a glance at CU forum page. Apparently the administration stood up to them and told them not to curse in reviews. A small victory. On a sadder note, one of the authors reported that his friend attempted suicide because of the treatment CU is dishing out at her. To my knowledge she is all right. This is exactly why we have to take a stand. And if CU is reading this: I won't curse, I won't swear eternal revenge, but I will stand up for the rights of my fellow authors. You may laugh, dismiss us as being beneath your notice, but in the end you have no power over us."~
 ~"Critics United needs to be put to a stop. They claim to be giving "constructive criticism" but it's nothing short of cyber-bullying. Hiding behind the First Amendment of Freedom of Speech doesn't give anyone the right to harass and verbally abuse other people."~
 ~"As a parent, I love to see my child express her creativity in a fun way online - we are signing this petition on behalf of all the Young Justice fans who have grown to love these kids and their blogs. After spendng months cultivating their projects, they were shut down because of Critics United. Is it fair?"~
~"  fanfiction.net should be fun, it's about expressing yourself. As long as the story isn't hurting anyone, or truly overstepping the rules it should be left alone. Authors work hard on their stories, and to have people criticize their work rudely and then take it down is just another form of bullying. Those authors who's stories are taken down may not have copies of their story saved, so now their hard work is simply gone! Critics United is not a good group of people, just a bunch of bullies targeting authors who do not deserve this kind of treatment. These 'Critics' are not doing the writing community any favors and need to be properly taken care of."~
Please stand up for us, follow this, and sign the petition.



  1. I don't understand how the two statements at the top contradict each other. The first one states that their goal is to improve the quality of the fanfictions on the site, while the second states that CU doesn't coddle authors. That's perfectly understandable. Their relationship with an author seeking help is one that wants to improve their writing. It's impersonal and efficient. If you have an issue with CU, though, you should definitely take it up in a PM with one of their members. Soul of Paladin would probably be your best bet.

    1. "Their relationship with an author seeking help is one that wants to improve their writing." It looks like you haven't seen CU's methods of criticism. You might be thinking that there reviews are similar to the examples below:


      "Sorry, but chat/scriptfics are against the rules, and as they dictate, this story will be reported. You need to change or remove it otherwise your account will be deleted."

      "This story has a lot of things wrong with it; there's spelling mistakes, numerous OOC errors, and overall, it's just a mess."

      "The rules clearly state that Chat/script fics are forbidden on this site, and as such, I reported it."

      "Impersonal and efficient", right? Sadly, that isn't the case with most reviews done by CU.


      Mr. Perfectionist
      "Hello there, bastard asshole.
      You know, the shit you've posted is a rule-breaker. Chat/scriptfics are not allowed on this site.
      The pig's shit will be reported and you'll get your account's butt ripped if you don't remove it."

      The Soup Man
      "Hello retard.
      Seems to me that you and that asswipe of DeathDealer1997 have not learned the lesson.
      Well guess what? I'm reporting this piece of shit for being interactive and a massive waste of space that serves no other purpose than to annoy everyone in a two miles radius (hey, kind of like you!) until it's gone.
      Grow up and respect the rules, nimrod."

      (Seriously, is this one trying to convince the author to change/remove the story or commit suicide?)

      From Out of the Blue
      "If you don't care what happens to this story, then I don't care if it gets removed because I reported it.
      Can't spend a few minutes converting to proper dialogue? Too bad, Chat/script isn't allowed.
      Btw, James Patterson is so freakin' rich from his novels that
      he can buy your ass twenty times over. Grow up."

      Seriously, you might as well imagine them holding a knife to your neck or shoving you around as they're saying this to you, and this is what most of CU's reviews consist. This isn't reviewing; this is cyber-bullying.

    2. And that second statement is right. They ARE indeed brutal, in the sense that they are willing to insult and harass any writer they dislike.

  2. I did. They took apart my PM, made it seem like I was the bad guy, and responded in such a horrible way that I never want to go back on FF again. Hell, I felt so heartbroken that I deleted more than half of my stories so they wouldn't target them. Even the first one I had ever made when I was ten. You try sending a PM. You'll see what I mean

  3. I had to leave FF.net, not so much because of CU (though that would have been reason enough), but because of someone named "WS" (some of you may already know who he is) who not only sniped at me on my review board, but segued to an actual THREAT. Since it didn't look as if the Powers That Be at FF.net were going to do anything, I pulled all my stories and disabled PMs. Then through a friend of mine I received an "apology" from the person, but I'm still not coming back. I've seen his profile and it doesn't look as if he's changed his behavior.

    What I'm interested in knowing is, what's going on with the admins that they enable this behavior? Does there have to be another tragedy like Adam Smith's, possibly a lawsuit, before they finally wake up and smell the toast burning?
